Major Research University
Challenge: When facing the need to reduce and control costs, one of the largest areas of spend was equipment maintenance. The University had almost 400 separate contracts (with multiple vendors and expiration dates) encompassing more than 700 pieces of equipment with varying exclusions and limitations.
Solution: Financial Assessment - Customized Equipment Maintenance Program. Vendor relationships and response levels were unaffected and in many cases improved due to competition for the time and material service revenue across the campus.
Results: Total Maintenance Contract Spend $7.5M; Hard Dollar Cost Savings $2.7M. The University benefited greatly from the new service delivery model through increased uptime of equipment, identification of high frequency repair items and guaranteed hard dollar savings.

School District
Challenge: The school district was looking for ways to automate their payment process and increase revenue back to the district.
Solution: Electronic Payment Solution
Results: Solution was up and running 10 days after signing the contract. Monthly rebate is $13K. Increased back-office efficiencies and increased vendor participation while enhancing the monthly rebate.

Independent School District
Challenge: Needed to reduce utility costs by replacing old, inefficient equipment with new, more energy-efficient HVAC systems.
Solution: Collected all equipment data, performed energy calculations, completed grant application, and submitted the application to State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), all on behalf of the district. Also, served as the District’s prime contractor and provided project management and construction management, and handled all grant administration and grant reporting required by SECO.
Results: Upgrades save the district $60K annually on utility costs. The entire project was funded by the grant, with no out-of-pocket contribution from the district.