South Florida City
Challenge: The city was forced to deal with reduced budgets and was looking for ways to cut cost and increase revenues. The city looked for both process improvements as well as reduced labor costs.
Solution: e-Payment Portal
Results: The city generates over $300K annually through payments issued and processed.

County Government
Challenge: The County was feeling pressure to reduce spending and the maintenance budgets were considered a target for review. Although the Purchasing Manager was concerned about the recent rise in overall spending on maintenance, the real issue was the loss of control and the mix of coverages.
Solution: Equipment Maintenance financial assessment.
Results: Hard-Dollar cost savings $86K (28%); asset management control of equipment by tagging each item; numerous real-time online management reports; improved communication through a single point of contact; service based optimization by reducing administrative burden with one Purchase Order.

City in Colorado
Challenge: City was seeking to save money through various energy efficiency initiatives.
Solution: Conducted technical energy audit, applied for local energy grant and focused on a major retro-commissioning effort in the most high energy use. Also, providing Active Energy Management services--delivers real-time utility data tracking, analysis and issue management.
Results: The installation of these energy conservation measures saves the City over $177K/year in utility and operational costs. Secured grants on the City’s behalf for $300K from New Energy Communities Initiative Grant and $82K from the Governor’s Energy Office’s Solar Rebate Program. Substantial rebates from the utility are also benefiting this project.