Preparing for Healthcare's New Norm - Leading Through the Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond
The Covid-19 Crisis has really impacted our country and tested our healthcare industry these past few months.
As the leadership of our country seeks to engineer a pathway for “reopening” our country; our healthcare leadership faces similar challenges focused around three initial strategic areas:
Restore consumer confidence that our healthcare infrastructure (hospitals, long term/post-acute and other entities) is SAFE so patients will return for needed care;
Restore depleted CASH balances and cash reserves to pay necessary operating expenses;
Reduce COSTS to stabilize the decimated financial condition created by Covid-19 related cost increases and revenue decreases
In response to our colleagues' expressed needs in these three strategic areas, MDR™ has created a best-in-class (Best Practices™) New Norm Platform.
Infection Control Solution that Protects ~ Identifies ~ Mitigates Infectious Diseases, including infectious aerosols (Covid-19 and others) in ALL environments
ePayables Solution that Guarantees 25% increase in rebates while reducing costs at No Cost to client organization
Medical Benefit Manager (“MBM”) alternative to PBMs that achieves “Double Digit” Savings
Contact Us For Additional Information on our New Norm Platform, 559.447.4488 or